
Plant-Based Foods

Plant-Based Foods

The Solution

Increasing the consumption of plant-based foods (such as beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, grains, vegetables, and plant proteins) is an ideal solution for meeting growing protein demand while avoiding the high GHG emissions, land and water use, animal suffering, and public health risks that come from increased industrial animal protein production.

Lever helps food companies set and implement policies to increase the use and sale of plant-based foods. Lever also carries out large-scale digital marketing campaigns to educate consumers on why and how to eat more more plant-based foods, and provides support to entrepreneurs working to grow startup companies in the plant-based and alternative protein sectors.


29 mn

meals shifted to plant-based each each year from corporate policy successes (estimated)

400 mn

consumer views being generated annually of content on why and how to eat more plant-based foods

82 mn

kg C02-equivalent GHG emissions prevented each year from corporate policy successes (estimated)


plant-based foods and alternative protein startups launched or provided critical early financial support

For every kilogram of animal protein replaced with plant-based foods

What entrepreneurs say

Launched and supported startups

critical work

Use Lever to move the world toward a more sustainable food supply chain.