Lever Foundation’s 2024 Philippines Restaurant Industry Cage-Free Egg Scorecard reveals that most chain restaurants in the country are now committed to eliminating caged eggs from their supply chains. Lever’s comprehensive analysis found that 62% of mid-to-large-sized restaurant chains nationwide have established clear timelines for transitioning...
While Western audiences have abundant access to information about plant-based food and farm animals, Asian consumers face a significant shortage of locally relevant content on these topics. In 2024, Lever Foundation expanded its digital outreach across Asia to fill this gap—using strategic social media campaigns...
최근 서울에선 집단행동의 일환으로 수많은 기업과 소비자가 모여 책임감 있는 공급 정책과 동물복지를 지지하는 ‘2024 동물복지 인증 가치소비 페스타’가 열렸습니다. 큰 변화를 이끈 양일간의 행사 농림축산식품부 소관 사단법인식생활교육국민네트워크가 주최한 이 행사는 “동물복지, 우리의 선택으로 변화하다”라는 메시지를 담았습니다. 11월 15일과 16일 양일간 성수동 언더스탠드에비뉴에서 열린...
In a period where traditional investment capital for alternative protein startups has become increasingly scarce across Asia, Lever Foundation continues to provide strategic support to companies in the sector. In 2024, Lever’s targeted funding and guidance helped develop the alternative protein sector across China and...
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